SWUMC Early Learning Center (ELC) Request for Proposals 11-13-24
Susanna Wesley United Methodist Church (SWUMC) of Topeka, Kansas has operated preschool and childcare services for nearly 30 years. The church holds and intends to retain a childcare license to serve up to 85 children from infants through pe-kindergarten. On September 20, 2024, SWUMC closed the ELC due to ongoing staffing challenges. SWUMC seeks proposals from qualified and experienced applicants to assume management and operation of the SWUMC ELC. Applicants are required to make a site visit to tour the facility and can make an appointment by contacting Pastor Amy Seifert at (785)478-3697. The successful applicant will enter into a building use agreement with the church to restart the ELC under their management.
SWUMC Assets in Place to support the ELC’S restart and operation:
- A high-quality facility including current licensing for five classrooms approved for serving children from infancy to school age and two additional classrooms for infants recently renovated and licensable by amending the application.
- Fully equipped classrooms, kitchen, and playground
- A nearly 30-year history of ELC operation and a positive reputation in the community
- An excellent location including easy access and high visibility from 29th St. For ELC families who also have school age children, the church operates a school age before and after school program, and Indian Hills Elementary School is just across the parking lot. The before/afterschool program has 55-60 students and operates during the school year: Monday – Friday 7:00 – 8:30 am and 3:30 – 6:00 pm. When kids are out of school for conferences and holiday breaks, the hours are 7 am – 6 pm. Summer hours are Monday – Friday 7 am – 6 pm.
- Availability of contact information for recently participating families

Proposals must address these elements:
The applicant must provide a business plan including a staffing and classroom use plan to provide daycare for infants, toddlers, preschool and pre-K programs with an option for partial day preschool. This must include:
- Classrooms to be used for each group, capacities, and staffing ratios
- A startup plan and timeline to achieve full implementation
- Additional facility needs such as office space or kitchen use
- Staff qualifications
- Provisions for ongoing staff training and professional development
- Evidence of the applicant’s ability to recruit and continually provide staff needed to operate the ELC and how it will deal with staff illnesses, no-shows, and resignation
- Plans for marketing/advertising childcare availability
- Assurance there will be on-site supervision for staff
- Salary and benefits to be paid to staff
- The proposed fee structure for participants
- Evidence of liability insurance for operations
- The proposed donation to be made to SWUMC to offset utilities and maintenance costs
The applicant must also provide the following documentation as evidence of capacity to implement a high-quality child-care program:
- Submission of parent handbook and policies documents
- A statement of curriculum and development/educational philosophy
- Program certifications and professional organization affiliations
- Evidence of success implementing similar childcare programs
- List of current partnerships and partnerships within the last five years.
- Copy of most recent fiscal year and current fiscal year to date finances

Ongoing Relationship between the ELC and Church
The applicant’s proposal must address the range of options it is amenable to regarding the potential interconnections between the ELC and church. Some possibilities include occasional musical performances held in the church, activities with church volunteers
reading children’s books with a spiritual or religious focus, classroom visits by the SWUMC Pastor, or joint holiday and other religious programs including ELC and church members.
Application Submission
Applications should be submitted in digital PDF format and emailed to: amy@swumc.org
Application Deadline and Processing
The SWUMC ELC Task Force will begin reviewing any submitted applications beginning two weeks after this RFP is issued and will continue to receive and review applications until an ELC partner has been selected.