Children's Ministry
Susanna Wesley UMC Children’s Ministry strives to provide an environment for children to develop a personal relationship with God through consistent prayer life, grounded Bible knowledge and service to others, both locally and globally.
Sunday Mornings
9:30-10:30 AM
Age-Level Sunday School classes for children five years old through sixth grade. Children engage in Bible stories through videos, drama, conversation, crafts, and games.
Children are always welcome to attend Worship service with their families during this hour.
Mission Kids
On the first Sunday of each month, elementary aged kids gather for Mission Kids during the Sunday school hour. It is an opportunity for children to engage in, and see the importance of, mission work. We focus on projects where “Kids are helping kids.” Past projects include hospital busy bags for sick children, fleece blankets for the Rescue Mission, Alex’s Lemonade Stand, May baskets for the residence of Aldersgate, activities to support ZOE our global mission, and many more.
Safe Gatherings Program
We place great importance on the safety of our children! Toward this end, Safe Gatherings certification is required for all who work with our children, youth, and adults with disabilities.
Scripture and our United Methodist tradition inform us in our belief that God values all of human life – perhaps children most of all. United Methodist churches and their ministries and activities offer a unique setting for ministry to and with children, youth and vulnerable adults. We acknowledge that a special covenant is created when churches and parents entrust these people to the care of leaders in these settings. We hold each person of immeasurable worth as a child of God.
Once registered with the Safe Gatherings online learning system, applicants have 30 days to complete the training process for certification. Training may be completed anytime, anywhere using the online system. Applicants may complete the training modules at their own pace and request reference letters electronically.